Financial Literacy
Whoever said desperate times call for desperate measures could have been on their way to apply for a title loan. Few situations are desperate enough for title loans to make…
Check-cashing services allow people without bank accounts to cash checks. A fee is charged, sometimes just $1, sometimes more than $100, so that people who need cash, get it. The…
A national study showed a growing disconnect between the self-perceptions American consumers have of their finances and the real-world actions they take in day-to-day financial matters. The 2015 National Financial…
At InCharge, we rely on financial literacy data to inform and improve on our processes, educational materials and grant programs. Please find below links to recent surveys and studies by leaders in…
Economic experts have worried about the willingness of American consumers to plan adequately for their financial future and a national survey indicates the concern is justified. Data On Financial Planning:…
Loaning money to your children, or giving them money, while you are alive is a way to help them buy a home, pay for college or get out of debt.…
Budgeting & Saving A good budget and savings commitment are the foundation of your financial plan. Learn how to budget, cut expenses, set savings goals and more. Challenge yourself to…
Many people wonder where their Social Security tax dollars go. Generally, for of every dollar you pay in Social Security taxes: 85 cents goes to a trust fund that pays…
Bonds can prove extremely helpful to anyone concerned about capital preservation and income generation. Bonds also may help partially offset the risk that comes with equity investing and often are…
College presents a unique time in a young person’s life where financial literacy education is particularly important. Our resources for college students cover a number of important topics faced by young…
- N.A. (2022) Car Title Loan Laws And Regulations By State. Retrieved from
- N.A. (ND) Cart Title Loan Statistics Trends And Facts. Retrieved from
- N.A. (N.D) Car Title Loans. Retrieved from
- N.A. (2021, May) What to Know About Payday and Car Title Loans. Retrieved from
- N.A. (2021, April) What is the Military Lending Act and What Are My Rights? Retrieved from
- N.A. (2022, January 17) What does it mean to renew or roll over a payday loan? Retrieved from