Ever wonder how much faster you can pay off a credit card by applying an extra $5, $10 or more to the monthly payment? This extra payment calculator will help…
Saving and investing for retirement is a long-term goal of just about every working person in America. And unless you win the lottery, creating a comfortable retirement doesn’t happen by…
Spending money is often fun. Saving money rarely is. The problem is saving is a necessity if you want to be prepared for emergencies, college tuition, retirement and life’s other…
Find out if nonprofit debt payment consolidation is right for you. Get Your Free Debt Analysis Online or call [vdn]. The Power Of Compounding I wish I had learned about…
Is your bank the best (and most affordable) choice for you? With more and more banks changing their policies and charging fees for things that used to be free, it’s up…
If you want to buy a new car or climb Mt. Everest or retire to a yacht, there’s one sure way to not get there. Wing it. Don’t have a…
Your children have been soaking up knowledge from you since the moment they were born, right? You’ve helped them learn how to talk, how to read, how to hit a…
Why Is Saving So Important? When it comes to financial advice, forget the gurus, websites, bankers, late-night infomercials and rich uncles. The best source can be found in your wallet,…